Sunday, June 24, 2012

french macarons

A large part of my Saturday was spent in my pajamas baking macarons. I'm sure I looked half mad wielding a whisk and running around the kitchen covered in sticky batter. What you've heard is true- these tiny guys are quite finicky. However a little love goes a long way, and three batches later I finally reached macaron enlightenment. Which I can only guess feels slightly akin to conquering Mt. Everest.

(I found this helpful)


  1. Those look wonderful! I've never had a macaron before, and I certainly know I'd be awful at attempting to make them...
    Yours turned out quite lovely though, and I'm sure they were delicious!

    1. Oh thank you! I hope you find some to try soon, it's such a treat

  2. I love your blog - instant follow. I love macarons and yours look great.
    I made macarons in the spring but i'm definitely going to make them again because they weren't quite right the first time.
