Thursday, July 5, 2012


there is something very satisfying in reflecting on a trip through photos. I always make sure to sit down with a hot drink while sorting through each shutter click- hoping to soak up the last bits of my recent travels.

these snaps are from this past week which was spent running all over italy. verona, venice, rome, florence, and pisa to be exact. all the sunshine was a refreshing change from the constant cloudy weather in germany.
I tanned my shoulders, made three wishes at the trevi fountain, walked around rome under the stars until my feet were sore, ate enough gelato and pasta for a lifetime, admired botticelli's the birth of venus, crossed the sea to venice, and saw so much beauty in a place I'd never been.

italy was terribly romanic, so much so, it was almost a shame to be there without someone I was terribly in love with.


  1. Siiigh...I just love looking at your photos. They're so dreamy! (How do you get the coloring so...perfect?! <3)

    Your trip to Italy looks as though it was wonderful. I love to take trips vicariously through the photos of others. :)
    Happy weekend!

    1. Oh thank you Allie! I make very minor adjustments to my photos (I use CS5) with the contrast/ exposure/ colors.
      And yes! Italy was one of the best trips I've ever taken- hope your summer is going sunny and swell.

  2. Oh I always feel that way about Rome! They say Paris is the city of lovers, but I must disagree. Your pictures are so beautiful, they make me horribly nostalgic! xx
